I’m happy to report I’ve pushed through to the end of my current book. It’s done, finally, last word down about a week ago. Phew. The title is ‘Flight’. It’s a sci-fi story from the year 2035 based in Australia. The only notable social changes to our modern life in the beautiful land of oz, apart from technological advancements including the introduction of industrial & home duties robotics, is an increased sense of paranoia due to the ever present threat of terrorism. People are still people with their variety of issues, challenges etcera and that is where my story begins. I love this story as it really made me think and stretch. …Sorry no spoilers…
Writing this book proved to be a hard, occasionally tedious at times, slog. It’s very different to the others. I’ve got copies out to beta readers at present after harrasing my usual dependable core set of alpha readers throughout the writing process. You know who you are (thanks guys!) Suprisingly the alpha’s reported back less typo’s than usual. I must be getting better at this or perhaps I wrote across a greater percentage of pre-midnight hours, before the slightly dyslexic and grammatically challenged monster bangs away on my keyboard in that half awake half asleep state.
I’m taking a break for a while. How long I honestly don’t know. A few weeks maybe even an entire month, whatever feels right. I intend to return in earnest and put the editor’s hat back on. I want to perform at least a few passes through the entire manuscript before I need to focus on prep for NaNoWriMo in November. Flight is only 65,000 words, the smallest so far and I’m hoping the editing process might be a little less all absorbing this time. Optimisitic I know. We’ll see.
What else, I’m reading another Clive Cussler, do I sound like a broken record? I’m drawn to his books and while I know deep down I simply have to broaden my reading spectrum, they are so good! I get sucked in again and again.
Lots of ideas swirling around, mostly from dreams, for the NaNoWriMo story. Exciting times.
More to come…