
My how time flies when you’re having fun! Over the last 6 weeks I’ve written considerably more of my current novel’s first draft having worked through some tricky bits and pieces. I estimate I’m around 80% through and I can see the faint glow of light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve managed to write most of my short story as well however I think it requires some rework. I’m struggling to focus on this while entrenched in the bigger challenge of my novel. The short story keeps trying to grow into another book and I can’t do it justice for now, eek!

I’ve read another Clive Cussler ‘Pacific Vortex’, the first in his preferred reading order. I liked it, the story was bold, genuinely entertaining and yet not overdone. He actually wrote this book first, many years before the Dirk Pitt character became huge. When you think many of his books from the 1970’s are touching on 40 years old they hold up surprisingly well. Maybe I’m biased as I love all things nautical however I willingly find myself trapped in his books again and again.

As April rapidly draws to an end, I need to push through my novel and close out the first draft. Hot on its heels I need to begin work on the considerable preparation required for NaNoWriMo. In case you missed it from a previous post, I’m going to commit to producing 50,000 words again come this November. I did this in 2010 and believe me when I say it’s hard. Writing a sizeable volume everyday takes determination and real commitment. Last time I had a detailed outline for my Healing Truth book and I wholeheartedly believe without this I would never have achieved the volume. As it turned out I did just over 70,000 by months end and hope to achieve the same.

That’s about it for now. Lots of work, planning and more work on the horizon.

I often wonder what you, my blog readers, want from this blog? I read many writers blogs and find it strange hardly anyone talks about what they are actually doing, the process of writing. There are many sites which give fantastic advice in general however I know most of my readers aren’t actually writers and therefore I wonder how relevant that information is? Other blogs seem to provide a running commentary on the many changes within publishing at present and or comments / opinions on industry news. This is interesting to me however is it to you? While I occasionally add a comment here or there, I’m an aspiring writer and I like talking about what I’m doing, my journey and what is going on. What it is like to work through these stories. The question is do you like that as well?

Leave a comment and let me know… thanks :)


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